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ເສັ້ນທາງ 7

ຈາກ ວິກິພີເດຍ

ເສັ້ນທາງ 7[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] ຂອງ ລາວ, ເສັ້ນທາງເລກ 7[11][12] ຂອງ ລາວ (ທ. 7 )[13][14][15][16][17] ແມ່ນ ເສັ້ນທາງ ແຂວງ ຕາເວັນອອກ ໄປ ຕາເວັນຕົກ ໃນ ແຂວງ ຊຽງຂວາງ, ປະເທດລາວ. ແລ່ນຈາກ ໜອງແຮດ[18][19] ທິດຕາເວັນອອກໄປຫາ ເມືອງພູກູນ[20][21] ທິດຕາເວັນຕົກ. ນີ້​ແມ່ນ​ບ່ອນ​ທີ່​ຜູ້​ຄົນ​ປ່ຽນ​ການ​ເຊື່ອມ​ຕໍ່​ໄປ​ທີ່ ​ຫຼວງ​ພະ​ບາງ ​ຫຼື ​ວຽງ​ຈັນ.[22]

ປີ 1923 - ເສັ້ນທາງ MAP Annam ໃນລາວ - ເສັ້ນທາງເລກ 7 ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ, ປະເທດລາວ.
ເມືອງໜອງແຮດ, ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ, ປະເທດລາວ


  1. "https://books.google.com/books?id=LhxmDAAAQBAJ&dq=%22Route+7%22+Laos+-wikipedia&pg=PT159". Route 7. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapter= (help)
  2. "Eaves, Elisabeth. "In Laos, the lady and the jars." New York Times, 15 July 2012, p. 8(L). Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A296399728/AONE?u=anon~24f5eea7&sid=googleScholar&xid=2421d9cc. Accessed 25 Oct. 2022". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  3. "National Route No. 7_see citation on page#7 of 13". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  4. "Route _ Minutes of a Meeting, White House_on paragraph#2_Souvanna Phouma's request for interdiction operations along Route 7". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  5. "Route 7_cited on 3rd paragraph_Souvanna Phouma and other Lao leaders.... if Muong Soui falls". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  6. "The U.S. Media and the "Secret" War in Laos, 1955-1975". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  7. "https://books.google.com/books?id=dOui-SJJNLwC&dq=route+numero+7+du+laos&pg=PR13". Route Coloniale no 7-cited on pages 414-416. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapter= (help)
  8. "Route No 7". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  9. "https://books.google.com/books?id=V-yYPMi-1n4C&dq=route+numero+7+du+laos&pg=PA421". Route_7_of_Laos. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapter= (help)
  10. "Route_No_7_Laos". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  11. "ເສັ້ນທາງເລກ 7 ຊຽງຂວາງ_Route 7(Laos)". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  12. "ເອກະສານຮອ້ ງຂກໍ ານຊວ່ ຍເຫ ຼືອໂຄງການ ເສມີສາ້ງຄວາມໝນ ້ຄງົຂອງມະນດ ຸ ໃນຂນ ້ຮາກຖານ_Route 7 citation on paragraph #10 10.ເຂດທ່ີນອກເປົ້າໝາຍ ・ເຂດພິເສດໄຊສມົບນູ (ໃນປະຈບຸ ນ ແມນ່ ເມອຼືງໄຊສມົບູນ ແຂວງວຽງຈນ ແລະ ເມອຼືງທາ່ ໂທມ ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ) ・ເມອຼືງຄູນ ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ ແລະ ບໍລິເວນເມອຼືງຄນູ (ແຕເ່ ສ ້ນທາງເລກ 5 ຫາ ທາງໄປເມອຼືງໂພນສະຫວນ ) ・ແຕເ່ ມອຼືງພຄູ ນູ ແຂວງຫ ວງພະບາງ (ເສ ້ນທາງເລກ 7) ຫາ ເມອຼືງໂພນສະຫວນ ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ (ນອກຈາກຕວົເມອຼືງໂພນສະຫວນ ) ແລະ ເມອຼືງຊາໍເໜຼືອ ແຂວງຫວົພນ (ນອກຈາກຕວົເມອຼືງຊາໍເໜຼືອ)". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  13. "Route 7". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  14. "Route 7 from Vang vieng to Vietnam". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  15. "Memorandum for Henry A. Kissinger, see Route 7 on page 4, paragraph 4 said "Route 7 and various trails"". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  16. "The War in Northern Laos, 1954-1973, Route 7 cited on each 2nd paragraph of pages 170, p-203, and p-206". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  17. "Phou Khout_Route 7 cited on paragraph " Found off of Route 7, Phou Khout (also Kood, Kout) is an interesting and remote side adventure 43 kilometres from Phonsavan. The district can be combined with Muang Soui (Nong Tang) for a long day trip from the city, and more on the same page". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  18. "Nong Het". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  19. "https://books.google.com/books?id=N4-QoAv-zIUC&dq=Route+7+Nong+Het+laos&pg=PA168". Secret War, Route 7. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapter= (help)
  20. "https://books.google.com/books?id=N4-QoAv-zIUC&dq=Phou+Khoun+to+Nong+Het+Laos+by++route+7%2F&pg=PA419". Secret War - Page 419, Routes 7 and 13 junction at Phou Khoun. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapter= (help)
  21. "Turbulence in Sam Neua Province (Laos): 1953-1970_in paragraph of_The_Strategic_Location_of_the_Plain_of_Jars in page #28 & 29 starting: The most significant feature of northeastern Laos...the Mekong River across from Thailand (Blaufarb 1977: 130)". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  22. "Route 7 is cited in section of Northern Laos". {{cite web}}: |archive-url= requires |archive-date= (help); |archive-url= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)