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ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ

ຈາກ ວິກິພີເດຍ
ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ
ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ: imago
ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ: imago
ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ: subscriptio
ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ: subscriptio
ເກີດ: 30 ມັງກອນ 1968; Madrid
ປະເທດ: ປະເທດແອັດສະປາຍ
ຊື່ເກິດ: Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Grecia


ຕຳແໜ່ງ: Prince of Asturias, Grand Master of the Order of Santiago, commander-in-chief, Head of State of Spain, Monarch of Spain
ອາຊີບ: sovereign


ສາສະຫນາ: ກາໂຕລິກ


ພໍ່ແມ່: ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີຄວນ ກາໂລດທີ 1 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ; Queen Sofía of Spain
ຄູ່ສົມລົດ: Queen Letizia of Spain
ເດັກ: ເລົໂອນອ ເຈົ້າຍິງແຫ່ງອັສຕູລຽດ, Infanta Sofía of Spain
ນາມສະກຸນ: Spanish House of Bourbon


ລາງວັນ: Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎, Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", Order of the Three Stars, 1st Class, Order of the Star of Romania, Collar of the Order of the Aztec Eagle, Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru‎, Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria, Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ, Grand Collar of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Grand Cross of the Military Order of Avis, Grand Collar of the Order of Liberty, Grand Officer of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Grand Cross of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland, Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class, Order of Lakandula, Order of Sikatuna, Supreme Order of the Renaissance, Order of the Three Stars, 2nd Class, Medal of Honor of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, Grand Cross of the Order of May, Order of the Redeemer, Grand Cross of the Military Merit - White Badge, King Willem-Alexander Inauguration Medal, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, Medal of Aragonese Corts, Medal of Aragon, Gold Medal of the Principality of Asturias

Insignia heraldica

ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ: insigne
ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ: insigne

ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີເຟລີເປທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ (ແອັດສະປາຍ: Felipe VI; ຝຣັ່ງ: Philippe VI; ພະນາມເດີມ ເຟລີເປ ຄວນ ປາໂບນ ອັນໂຟນໂຊ ເດ ໂຕໂດດ ໂລດ ຊານໂຕດ ເດ ບອກບົງ ເດ ກະເລເຊຍ) ຫຼື ສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີຟີລິບທີ 6 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ ເປັນພະມະຫາກະສັດແອສະປາຍ ພະລາຊະສົມພົບ 30 ມັງກອນ ຄ.ສ. 1968 ເປັນພະລາຊະໂອລົດພະອົງທຳອິດໃນສົມເດັດພະລາຊາທິບະດີຄວນ ກາໂລດທີ 1 ແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ ແລະສົມເດັດພະລາຊິນີໂຊເຟຍແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ ຊົງດຳລົງພະຍົດ "ອິນຟັນເຕແຫ່ງແອສະປາຍ" ເມື່ອປະສູຕິໃໝ່ ໆ ແລະ "ເຈົ້າຊາຍແຫ່ງອັດສະຕູລີ" ເມື່ອພະລາຊະບິດາສະເດັດຂຶ້ນຄອງລາດ ອະພິເສກສົມລົດກັບເລຕີເຊຍ ອໍຕິດ ໂລກາໂຊລາໂນ.

