I am sorry, I can not speak English and Laotian.--Phương Huy (talk) ໐໙:໕໔, ໒໔ ມີນາ ໒໐໑໓ (UTC)
- Mình là người Việt đương nhiên biết tiếng Việt, nếu bạn biết tiếng Việt thì có thể trao đổi. Chúc vui.--Phương Huy (talk) ໐໗:໐໗, ໔ ເມສາ ໒໐໑໓ (UTC)
RE:Article requests
[ດັດແກ້]Dear WhisperToMe,
Sorry for the late reply. It depends on the articles, given that some are more complex than others. Can you tell me which articles?
--Alifshinobi (talk) ໐໔:໓໕, ໒໒ ສິງຫາ ໒໐໑໓ (UTC)